Laurent Daniel
Professeur des Universités (CentraleSupelec)english versionemail : laurent.daniel [at] |
Mes recherches au GeePs portent sur la détermination de lois de comportement pour les phénomènes couplés et notamment les couplages thermo-électro-magnéto-mécaniques. Je suis impliqué dans le développement d'approches multi-échelles pour la description de ces phénomènes de couplage multiphysique. Des approches phénoménologiques sont également envisagées. Afin d'identifier et de valider les modèles proposés, une plateforme expérimentale de caractérisation des matériaux actifs est développée (plateforme CarMA). Plus récemment, j'ai participé à la mise en place et à l'analyse micromécanique d'expériences de diffraction des rayons X à haute énergie sur des céramiques ferroélectriques.
Mots clefs : Couplages multiphysiques - Lois de comportement pour les phénomènes couplés - Approches micromécaniques - Méthodes multi-échelles - Homogénéisation - Matériaux actifs - Matériaux ferromagnétiques - Magnétostriction - Matériaux ferroélectriques - Céramiques piézoélectriques - Effet magnéto électrique - Matériaux multiferroïques.
Thèse de doctorat (2003) ---- Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (2011) ---- Court CV (2023)
Publications (liste complète - octobre 2024)
P. Fagan, A. Abderahmane, M. Domenjoud, L. Daniel : Magnetic hysteresis cycle measurements with a new needle probe setup, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 74:6000511 (2025).
T. Pramanik, C.S. Htet, A. Manjón-Sanz, J. Liu, S. Ullah, J. Kong, C. Babori, A. Brézard-Oudot, L. Daniel, S.T. Misture, A. Pramanick : An atomistic structural description of the ferrielectric polar phase involving non-coplanar cation displacements, Scripta Materialia, 256:116426 (2025).
B. Sai Ram, A.P.S. Baghel, K. Chwastek, S.V. Kulkarni, L. Daniel, M.F. de Campos, I.C. Nlebedim : Modelling of angular behaviour of core loss in Grain-Oriented laminations using the loss separation approach, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 38:49 (2025).
A. Abderahmane, B. Clausse, A. Lhémery, L. Daniel : Mechanisms of elastic wave generation by EMAT in ferromagnetic media, Ultrasonics, 138:107218 (2024).
T. Ajnada, Y. Bernard, L. Daniel : Snap-through of a bistable beam using piezoelectric actuation, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 35(14):1137-1148 (2024).
F. Albertini, G. Tarantino, L. Daniel : Mechanical behavior of embedded bistable dome shell with tunable energy barrier asymmetry, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 263:108762 (2024).
C. Babori, M. Barati, L. Daniel : An energy-based model for ferroelectric ceramics, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 103:105151 (2024).
C. Babori, M. Barati, V. Segouin, R. Corcolle, L. Daniel : Anhysteretic strains in ferroelectric ceramics under electromechanical loading, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 57(44):445001 (2024).
P. Clérico, L. Pichon, J. Lambert, N. Doorgah, L. Daniel : Compact model for EMC analysis at equipment level in automotive context, Progress in Electromagnetic Research M, 130:71-82 (2024).
L.G. da Silva, L. Bernard, M. Domenjoud, L. Daniel : A magneto-elastic vector-play model including piezomagnetic behavior, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 609:172439 (2024).
L.G. da Silva, L. Bernard, F. Martin, A. Belahcen, L. Daniel : A magneto-elastic vector-play model under rotating fields and multiaxial stress states, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 60(12):7301304 (2024).
D.A. Hall, L. Daniel, M. Watson, A. Condie, T.P Comyn, A.K. Kleppe, P.J. Withers : Domain switching and shear-mode piezoelectric response induced by cross-poling in polycrystalline ferroelectrics, Journal of Applied Physics, 136:194101 (2024).
C.S. Htet, A.M. Manjón-Sanz, J. Liu, C. Babori, M. Barati, F.P. Marlton, L. Daniel, M.R.V. Jørgensen, A. Pramanick : Local structural mechanism for enhanced energy storage properties in heterovalent doped NaNbO3 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44(3):1597-1609 (2024).
Y. Liu, L. Daniel, G. Sebald, M. Lallart, K. Makihara, B. Ducharne : Energy harvesting using magnetostrictive materials : effects of material anisotropy and stress multiaxiality, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 366:115017 (2024).
M. Lopes Leal Junior, L. Pino, M. Barati, L. Saint-Sulpice, L. Daniel, S. Arbab Chirani : Modeling of functional fatigue of SMA-based actuators under thermomechanical loading and Joule heating, International Journal of Fatigue, 179:108055 (2024).
F. Martin, J. Taurines, O. Osemwinyen, P. Rasilo, A. Belahcen, L. Daniel : Magnetomechanical multiscale hysteresis model of electrical steel sheets in the finite element simulation of a transformer, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 60(12):7301204 (2024).
A. Ouazib, M. Domenjoud, P. Fagan, L. Daniel : Effect of tension and compression stress on the magnetic losses in a low-Carbon steel, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 60(9):2001105 (2024).
A. Abderahmane, L. Daniel : Measurement criteria for the magnetic characterization of magnetic materials, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72:6010918 (2023).
A. Berhil, M. Barati, Y. Bernard, L. Daniel : Accurate sensorless displacement control based on the electrical resistance of the shape memory actuator, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 34(9):1097-1103 (2023).
S. Bouterfas, Y. Le Bihan, L. Santandrea, L. Daniel : Mechanical stress identification method in anisotropic ferromagnetic materials using eddy current testing, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 59(5):6200304 (2023).
L. Daniel, B. Ducharne, Y. Liu, G. Sebald : Choosing the best magnetostrictive material for energy harvesting applications : a simple criterion based on Ericsson cycles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 587:171281 (2023).
L.G. da Silva, L. Bernard, F. Martin, A. Belahcen, L. Daniel : Multiaxial validation of a magneto-elastic vector-play model, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 59(11):7301010 (2023).
M. Domenjoud, L. Daniel : Effects of plastic strain and reloading stress on the magneto-mechanical behavior of electrical steels : experiments and modeling, Mechanics of Materials, 176:104510 (2023).
M. Domenjoud, A. Pecheux, L. Daniel : Characterization and multiscale modeling of the magneto-elastic behavior of Galfenol, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 59(11):2500505 (2023).
S. Ghenna, Y. Bernard, L. Daniel : Design and experimental analysis of a high force piezoelectric linear motor, Mechatronics, 89:102928 (2023).
M. Lopes Leal Junior, L. Pino, M. Barati, L. Saint-Sulpice, L. Daniel, S. Arbab Chirani : Electric resistivity evolution in NiTi alloys under thermomechanical loading : phase proportioning, elasticity and plasticity effects, Smart Materials and Structures, 32(6):065002 (2023).
A. Pramanick, L. Daniel, S. Venkateshwarlu, V. Segouin, Y. Ren : Evaluation of phase and domain switching in Sn-doped BCZT piezoceramics with coexisting ferroelectric phases, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43(8):3236-3249 (2023).
A. Abderahmane, A. Lhémery, L. Daniel : Stress imaging by guided wave tomography based on analytical acoustoelastic model, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(5):2863-2876 (2022).
T. Ajnada, R. Corcolle, Y. Bernard, L. Daniel : Equivalent pin-forces or equivalent moments for the modelling of piezoelectric patches : a parametric study, Engineering Research Express, 4(2):025017 (2022).
G. Al Achkar, L. Pichon, L. Daniel : Homogenization of woven composites for shielding applications : case of oblique incidence, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 36(4):568-578 (2022).
R. Corcolle, X. Ren, L. Daniel : A homogenization model for Soft Magnetic Composites considering the effect of mechanical stress, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 58(9):7200204 (2022).
B. Ducharne, S. Zurek, L. Daniel, G. Sebald : An anisotropic vector model of ferromagnetic behavior under alternating and rotational magnetic field, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 549:169045 (2022).
L. G. da Silva, A. Abderahmane, M. Domenjoud, L.Bernard, L. Daniel : An extension of the vector-play model to the case of magneto-elastic loadings, IEEE Access, 10:126674-126686 (2022).
P. Fagan, B. Ducharne, L. Daniel, A. Skarlatos, M. Domenjoud, C. Reboud : Effect of stress on the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise energy cycles : a route for stress evaluation in ferromagnetic materials, Materials Science & Engineering B, 278:115650 (2022).
P. Fagan, B. Ducharne, S. Zurek, M. Domenjoud, A. Skarlatos, L. Daniel, C. Reboud : Iterative methods for waveform control in magnetic measurement systems, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 71:6006113 (2022).
A. Abderahmane, A. Lhémery, L. Daniel : Effects of multiaxial pre-stress on Lamb and shear horizontal guided waves, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149(3):1724-1736 (2021).
U. Ahmed, U. Aydin, L. Daniel, P. Rasilo : 3D magneto-mechanical finite element analysis of Galfenol based energy harvester using an equivalent stress model, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 57(2):7400405 (2021).
G. Al Achkar, L. Pichon, M. Bensetti, L. Daniel : Homogenization of metal grid reinforced composite materials for near-field low frequency magnetic shielding, Progress in Electromagnetic Research M, 99:153-163 (2021).
M. Barati, B. Amini, V. Segouin, L. Daniel, S. Arbab Chirani, S. Calloch : Investigation of self-heating and dissipative effects in ferroelectric ceramics subjected to compressive mechanical cyclic loading, Acta Materialia, 221:117386 (2021).
R. Corcolle, L. Daniel : 3D semi-analytical homogenization model for soft magnetic composites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 57(7):7000304 (2021).
R. Corcolle, X. Ren, L. Daniel : Effective properties and eddy current losses of soft magnetic composites, Journal of Applied Physics, 129:015103 (2021).
L. Daniel, M. Domenjoud : Anhysteretic magneto-elastic behaviour of Terfenol-D : experiments, multiscale modelling and analytical formulas, Materials, 14(18):5165 (2021).
P. Fagan, B. Ducharne L. Daniel, A. Skarlatos : Multiscale modelling of the magnetic Barkhausen noise energy cycles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 517:167395 (2021).
V. Segouin, M. Domenjoud, Y. Bernard, L. Daniel : Electromechanical behavior of ferroelectrics : insights into local contributions from macroscopic measurements, Acta Materialia, 211:116870 (2021).
G. Al Achkar, L. Pichon, L. Daniel, N. Benjelloun : Effective electromagnetic properties of woven fiber composites for shielding applications, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 62(4):1082-1089 (2020).
U. Aydin, P. Rasilo, F. Martin, A. Belahcen, L. Daniel, A. Arkkio : Modeling of multi-axial stress dependent iron losses in electrical steel sheets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 504:166612 (2020).
L. Bernard, B.J. Mailhé, S.L. Ávila, L. Daniel, N.J. Batistela, N. Sadowski : Magnetic hysteresis under compressive stress: a multiscale-Jiles-Atherton approach, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56(2):7506304 (2020).
B.J. Mailhé, L. Bernard, L. Daniel, N. Sadowski, N.J. Batistela : Modified-SST for uniaxial characterization of electrical steel sheets under controlled induced voltage and constant stress, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69(12):9756-9765 (2020).
F. Martin, U. Aydin, A. Ruzibaev, Y. Ge, L. Daniel, L. Bernard, P. Rasilo, A. Benabou, A. Belahcen : Analysis of the magneto-mechanical anisotropy of steel sheets in electrical applications, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56(2):7509804 (2020).
A. Nunes, L. Daniel, M. Hage-Hassan, M. Domenjoud : Modeling of the magnetic behavior of permanent magnets including ageing effects, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 512:166930 (2020).
B. Sai Ram, A.P.S. Baghel, S.V. Kulkarni, L. Daniel, I.C. Nlebedim : A frequency-dependent scalar magneto-elastic hysteresis model derived using Multi-Scale and Jiles–Atherton approaches, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56(3):7510105 (2020).
S. Venkateshwarlu, L.K. Venkataraman, V. Segouin, F. Marlton, H. C. Hin, D. Chernyshov, Y. Ren, M. R.V. Jørgensen, J. Rödel, L. Daniel, A. Pramanick : Large electromechanical strain and unconventional domain switching behavior near phase convergence in Sn-doped (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3, Communications Physics, 3:193 (2020).
K. Yamazaki, Y. Sato, M. Domenjoud, L. Daniel : Iron loss analysis of permanent magnet machines by considering hysteresis loops affected by multi-axial stress, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56(1):7503004 (2020).
U. Aydin, F. Martin, P. Rasilo, A. Belahcen, A. Haavisto, D. Singh, L. Daniel, A. Arkkio : Rotational single sheet tester for multiaxial magneto-mechanical effects in steel sheets, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55(3):2001810 (2019).
U. Aydin, P. Rasilo, F. Martin, A. Belahcen, L. Daniel, A. Haavisto, A. Arkkio : Effect of multi-axial stress on iron losses of electrical steel sheets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 469:19-27 (2019).
A.P.S. Baghel, J.B. Blumenfeld, L. Santandrea, G. Krebs, L. Daniel : Effect of mechanical stress on core losses along orthogonal directions in electrical steels, Electrical Engineering, 101(3):845-853 (2019).
A.P.S. Baghel, B. Sai Ram, L. Daniel, S.V. Kulkarni, G. Krebs, J.B. Blumenfeld, L. Santandrea : An alternative approach to model mechanical stress effects on magnetic hysteresis in electrical steels using complex permeability, Computational Materials Science, 166:96-104 (2019).
L. Bernard, B.J. Mailhé, N. Sadowski, N.J. Batistela, L. Daniel : Multiscale approaches for magnetoelasticity in device simulation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 487:165241 (2019).
M. Domenjoud, E. Berthelot, N. Galopin, R. Corcolle, Y. Bernard, L. Daniel : Characterization of Giant Magnetostrictive Materials under static stress : influence of loading boundary conditions, Smart Materials and Structures, 28(9):095012 (2019).
P. Rasilo, U. Aydin, F. Martin, A. Belahcen, R. Kouhia, L. Daniel : Equivalent strain and stress models for the effect of mechanical loading on the permeability of ferromagnetic materials, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55(6):2002104 (2019).
P. Rasilo, D. Singh, J. Jeronen, U. Aydin, F. Martin, A. Belahcen, L. Daniel, R. Kouhia : Flexible identification procedure for thermodynamic constitutive models for magnetostrictive materials, Proceedings of the Royal Society London A, 475:20180280 (2019).
B. Sai Ram, A.P.S. Baghel, S.V. Kulkarni, K. Chwastek, L. Daniel : A hybrid product-multi-scale model for magneto-elastic behavior of soft magnetic materials, Physica B, 571:301-306 (2019).
V. Segouin, M. Domenjoud, Y. Bernard, L. Daniel : Mechanics-aided Digital Image Correlation for the investigation of piezoelectric and ferroelectric behaviour of a soft PZT, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39:2091-2102 (2019).
G. Al Achkar, L. Pichon, N. Benjelloun, L. Daniel : A broadband electromagnetic homogenization method for composite materials, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 54(3):9400304 (2018).
K. Chwastek, A.P.S. Baghel, B. Sai Ram, B. Borowik, L. Daniel, S.V. Kulkarni : On some approaches to model reversible magnetization processes, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 51(14):145003(2018).
L. Daniel : An analytical model for the magnetostriction strain of ferromagnetic materials subjected to multiaxial stress, The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics , 83:30904 (2018).
B. Kaeswurm, V. Segouin, L. Daniel, K.G. Webber : The anhysteretic polarization of ferroelectrics, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 51(7):075305 (2018).
X. Ren, R. Corcolle, L. Daniel : Bounds and estimates on eddy current losses in soft magnetic composites, Journal of Applied Physics, 123:235109 (2018).
V. Segouin, B. Kaeswurm, K.G. Webber, L. Daniel : Temperature-dependent anhysteretic behavior of co-doped PZT, Journal of Applied Physics, 124:104103 (2018).
K. Yamazaki, H. Mukaiyama, L. Daniel : Effects of multi-axial mechanical stress on loss characteristics of electrical steel sheets and interior permanent magnet machines, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 54(3):1300304 (2018).
U. Aydin, P. Rasilo, F. Martin, D. Singh, L. Daniel, A. Belahcen, R. Kouhia, A. Arkkio : Modelling the effect of multiaxial stress on magnetic hysteresis of electrical steel sheets : a comparison, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53(6):2000904 (2017).
U. Aydin, P. Rasilo, F. Martin, D. Singh, L. Daniel, A. Belahcen, M. Rekik, O. Hubert, R. Kouhia, A. Arkkio : Magneto-mechanical modeling of electrical steel sheets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 439:82-90 (2017).
L. Daniel : An equivalent strain approach for magneto-elastic couplings, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53(6):2001204 (2017).
A.P.S. Baghel, S. Ram, K. Chwastek, L. Daniel, S.V. Kulkarni : Hysteresis modelling of Grain-Oriented laminations in arbitrary directions taking into account the dynamics of orthogonal domain walls, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 418:14-20 (2016).
N.K. James, T. Comyn, D. Hall, L. Daniel, A. Kleppe, S. Van der Zwaag, W.A. Groen : Analysis of the state of poling of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) particles in a Zn-ionomer composite, Ferroelectrics, 493(1):139-150 (2016).
X. Ren, R. Corcolle, L. Daniel : A 2D Finite Element study on the role of material properties on eddy current losses in Soft Magnetic Composites, The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics, 73:20902 (2016).
X. Ren, R. Corcolle, L. Daniel : A homogenization technique to calculate eddy current losses in soft magnetic composites using a complex magnetic permeability, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52(12):6301609 (2016).
X. Ren, R. Corcolle, L. Daniel : Losses approximation for soft magnetic composites based on a homogenized equivalent conductivity, Advanced Electromagnetics, 5(2):59-64 (2016).
G. Wang, D.A. Hall, T.P. Comyn, L. Daniel, A. Kleppe : Structure and ferroelectric behaviour of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-KNbO3 ceramics, Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional and Bioceramics, 115(2):89-95 (2016).
L. Bernard, L. Daniel : Effect of stress on magnetic hysteresis losses in a switched reluctance motor: application to stator and rotor shrinking fitting, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(9):7002513 (2015).
A. Dahia, E. Berthelot, Y. Le Bihan, L. Daniel : A model-based method for the characterisation of stress in magnetic materials using eddy current non-destructive evaluation, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 48:195002 (2015).
L. Daniel, D.A. Hall, J. Koruza, K.G. Webber, A. King, P.J. Withers : Revisiting the blocking force test on ferroelectric ceramics using high energy x-ray diffraction, Journal of Applied Physics, 117:174104 (2015).
L. Daniel, O. Hubert, M. Rekik : A simplified 3D constitutive law for magneto-mechanical behaviour, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(3):7300704 (2015).
L. Daniel, D.A. Hall, K.G. Webber, A. King, P.J. Withers : Identification of crystalline elastic anisotropy in PZT ceramics from in-situ blocking stress measurements, Journal of Applied Physics, 115:174102 (2014).
L. Daniel, D.A. Hall, P.J. Withers : A multiscale model for reversible ferroelectric behaviour of polycrystalline ceramics, Mechanics of Materials, 71:85-100 (2014).
L. Daniel, D.A. Hall, P.J. Withers : A multiscale modelling analysis of the contribution of crystalline elastic anisotropy to intergranular stresses in ferroelectric materials, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 47:325303 (2014).
L. Daniel, M. Rekik, O. Hubert : A multiscale model for magneto-elastic behaviour including hysteresis effects, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 84(9):1307-1323 (2014).
V. Préault, R. Corcolle, L. Daniel, L. Pichon : Influence of skin effect on the effective shielding effectiveness of composite materials, Journal of Applied Physics, 115:154904 (2014).
M. Rekik, L. Daniel, O. Hubert : Equivalent stress model for magnetic hysteresis losses under biaxial loading, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50(4):2001604 (2014).
M. Rekik, O. Hubert, L. Daniel : Influence of a multiaxial stress on the reversible and irreversible magnetic behaviour of a 3%Si-Fe alloy, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 44(3-4):301-315 (2014).
A. Bartók, L. Daniel, A. Razek : A multiscale model for thin film AMR sensors, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 326:116-122 (2013).
L. Daniel : An analytical model for the effect of multiaxial stress on the magnetic susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(5):2037-2040 (2013).
N. Lei, T. Devolder, G. Agnus, P. Aubert, L. Daniel, J.V. Kim, W. Zhao, T. Trypiniotis, R.P. Cowburn, C. Chappert, D. Ravelosona, P. Lecoeur : Strain-controlled magnetic domain wall propagation in hybrid piezoelectric/ferromagnetic structures, Nature communications, 4:1378 (2013).
T.T. Nguyen, X. Mininger, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault : Influence of mechanical boundary conditions on magnetoelectric sensors, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(5):2009-2012 (2013).
V. Préault, R. Corcolle, L. Daniel, L. Pichon : Effective permittivity of shielding composite materials for microwave frequencies, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 55(6):1178-1186 (2013).
V. Préault, R. Corcolle, L. Daniel, L. Pichon : Shielding effectiveness of composite materials: effect of inclusion shape, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(5):1941-1944 (2013).
R. Corcolle, V. Préault, L. Daniel : Second order moments in linear smart material composites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(2):663-666 (2012).
G. Krebs, L. Daniel : Giant magnetostrictive materials for field weakening: a modeling approach, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(9):2488-2494 (2012).
T.T. Nguyen, F. Bouillault, X. Mininger, L. Daniel : The role of the out of plane component of E and H in 2D computation of extrinsic magneto-electric problem using E-H formulation, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(2):555-558 (2012).
T.T. Nguyen, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault, X. Mininger : Modeling of magneto-electric sensor using finite element method, European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 15(2-3):273-287 (2012).
A. Bartók, L. Daniel, A. Razek : Micro-macro modeling of stress-dependent anisotropic magnetoresistance, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 44:135001 (2011).
L. Bernard, X. Mininger, L. Daniel, G. Krebs, F. Bouillault, M. Gabsi : Effect of stress on switched reluctance motors: a magneto-elastic finite-element approach based on multiscale constitutive laws, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47(9):2171-2178 (2011).
O. Hubert, L. Daniel : Energetical and multiscale approaches for the definition of an equivalent stress for magneto-elastic couplings, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 323(13):1766-1781 (2011).
T.T. Nguyen, F. Bouillault, L. Daniel, X. Mininger : Finite element modeling of magnetic field sensors based on nonlinear magnetoelectric effect, Journal of Applied Physics, 109(8):084904 (2011).
T.T. Nguyen, X. Mininger, F. Bouillault, L. Daniel : Finite element harmonic modeling of magnetoelectric effect, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47(5):1142-1145 (2011).
L. Daniel, O. Hubert : Equivalent stress criteria for the effect of stress on magnetic behavior, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(8):3089-3092 (2010).
O. Hubert, L. Daniel : Measurement and analytical modeling of the ΔE effect in a bulk iron-cobalt alloy, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(2):401-404 (2010).
K.J. Rizzo, O. Hubert, L. Daniel : Magnetic and magnetostrictive behavior of iron-silicon single crystals under uniaxial stress, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(2):270-273 (2010).
R. Corcolle, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault : Intraphase fluctuations in heterogeneous magnetic materials, Journal of Applied Physics, 105(12):123913 (2009).
R. Corcolle, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault : Modeling of magnetoelectric composites using homogenization techniques, Sensor Letters, 7:446-450 (2009).
L. Daniel, O. Hubert : An analytical model for the DeltaE effect in magnetic materials, The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics , 45:31101 (2009).
L. Daniel, O. Hubert : An equivalent stress for the influence of multiaxial stress on the magnetic behavior, Journal of Applied Physics, 105(7):07A313 (2009).
N. Galopin, X. Mininger, F. Bouillault, L. Daniel : Magneto-electric composite structures, European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 12(4):461-474 (2009).
K.J. Rizzo, O. Hubert, L. Daniel : A multiscale model for piezomagnetic behavior, European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 12(4):525-540 (2009).
R. Corcolle, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault : Generic formalism for homogenization of coupled behavior: Application to magnetoelectroelastic behavior, Physical Review B, 78(21):214110 (2008).
R. Corcolle, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault : Optimal Design of Magnetostrictive Composites: An Analytical Approach, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44(1):17-23 (2008).
L. Daniel, N. Galopin : A constitutive law for magnetostrictive materials and its application to Terfenol-D single and polycrystals, The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics , 42(2):153-159 (2008).
L. Daniel, O. Hubert, N. Buiron, R. Billardon : Reversible magneto-elastic behavior: a multiscale approach, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 56(3):1018-1042 (2008).
N. Galopin, X. Mininger, F. Bouillault, L. Daniel : Finite element modelling of magneto-electric sensors, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44(6):834-837 (2008).
O. Hubert, L. Daniel : Multiscale modeling of the magneto-mechanical behavior of grain-oriented silicon steels, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 320(7):1412-1422 (2008).
L. Daniel, R. Corcolle : A Note on the Effective Magnetic Permeability of Polycrystals, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 43(7):3153-3158 (2007).
L. Daniel, O. Hubert, B. Vieille : Multiscale strategy for the determination of magneto-elastic behaviour: Discussion and application to Ni-Zn ferrites, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 25:31-36 (2007).
N. Galopin, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault, M. Besbes : Numerical analysis for the design of a magneto-elastic characterisation device, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 83(6):44-47 (2007).
O. Hubert, L. Daniel : Effect of plastic straining on magnetostriction of ferromagnetic polycrystals - experiments and multiscale modelling, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 304(2):489-491 (2006).
O. Hubert, M. Chaabane, J. Jumel, V. Maurel, F. Alves, A. Bensalah, M. Besbes, K. Azoum, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault : A new experimental set-up for the characterisation of magneto-mechanical behaviour of materials submitted to biaxial stresses. Application to FeCo alloys, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 81(5):19-23 (2005).
O. Hubert, L. Daniel, R. Billardon : Magneto-elastic multiscale approach for the modelling of multiaxial stress state and plasticity - Experimental and numerical aspects, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 81(5):19-23 (2005).
O. Hubert, N. Jendly, L. Daniel : Modelling of the influence of micro-plasticity on the magnetic behaviour of ferromagnetic polycrystals through a multiscale approach, Steel Research International, 76(6):440-447 (2005).
L. Daniel, O. Hubert, R. Billardon : Homogenisation of magneto-elastic behaviour : from the grain to the macro scale, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 23:285-308 (2004).
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L. Daniel, O. Hubert, F. Ossart, R. Billardon : Experimental analysis and multiscale modelling of the anisotropic mechanical and magnetostrictive behaviours of electrical steels, Journal de Physique IV, 105:247-253 (2003).
O. Hubert, L. Daniel, R. Billardon : Experimental analysis of the magnetoelastic anisotropy of a non-oriented silicon iron alloy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 254:352-354 (2003).